Review of "Dig The New Breed" Album

by Paolo Hewitt

©Melody Maker - December 1982

Faced with this, the final Jam LP, the temptation to wax lyrical (not to mention boringly), about the group, their music and “What It All Meant” to thousands of people is obvious ...

They may have been ´about´ a lot of things -- Some great music, youth excitement and trust -- But as I remember it, The Jam always tried to look forward rather than backward ...

Words like honesty and integrity are words that have no real significance to the music business, but The Jam always tried to breathe life into them ... The Jam always made more sense live simply because their belief and passion could be given proper breathing space ...

It is fitting that The Jam should bow out with a live LP, and one that takes a few chances, refuses to fit into the established mould of greatest hits regurgitated ad infinitum ...

Quite simply we shan´t see their like again for a long time.